Page 94 - PS_Catalogue2024_020824
P. 94

General Maintenance Information

        Your carpet is not only a valuable investment but its appearance tells your visitors something about you. The main objective of a maintenance
        program is to preserve, as nearly as practical, the original beauty and appearance of the carpet and prolong its useful life.

        Preventative maintenance will protect your investment, but you must plan, or program that maintenance. In the past, carpets have been
        neglected only to be cleaned when it was obvious that attention was necessary. This is known as "Crisis Cleaning". This approach is not only
        old fashioned but has been proven to be a false economy. In addition to the carpet looking scruffy, its life is being drastically reduced.

        Preventative maintenance, which has to be planned, will extend the life and enhance the appearance of the carpet because the carpet
        "destroyer" [soil] will be effectively removed.

        Remember to apply cleaning agent to a blotting towel rather than directly onto the carpet. First remove any excess caused by stain, food, etc.
        and ensure that the area affected does not grow in size. Blot the area with a full roll of kitchen towels in order that as much fluid as possible
        can be absorbed. Always work towards the center. Pretest your carpet by wetting a small area (2 in. x 2 in.) in an  inconspicuous area with the
        solution you plan to use. Blot the damp area with a white towel and look for any color absorbed into the towel, or any color change on the

        Dab the spotting agent onto the stain with the moistened towel - working from the outer edge of the stain inward towards the center to keep
        the stain from spreading. For effective blotting action use pressure from the hand - for even more pressure use the heel of the foot. Avoid
        the natural tendency to scrub. Try blotting for a prolonged period of time. (The stain will naturally soak up into a weighted sack of towels.)

        Stains marked with a "P" will definitely require professional attention.

        Alcohol, Beer      3 or P
        Blood              7                   Apply the following procedures in the correct order. Blot after each procedure.
        Butter             1 or P              CODE PROCEDURES
        Chewing Gum        6
        Chocolate          4                   1.   Solvent, blot, Detergent, blot, then water, blot.
        Coffee             3 or P
        Crayon             1                   2.   Detergent, blot, Ammonia, blot, Detergent, blot, then water, blot.
        Egg                2                   3.   Detergent, blot, Vinegar, blot, Detergent, blot, water, blot.
        Excrement          2 or P
        Food Color*        2                   4.   Detergent, blot, Ammonia, blot, Vinegar, blot, Detergent, blot, water, blot.
        Fruit Juice        4 or P              5.   Detergent, blot, Ammonia, blot, water, blot, Solvent, blot.
        Furniture Polish   1 or P
        Furniture Polish w/stain  1 or P       6.   Freeze with ice cubes, shatter with blunt object. Vacuum out chips, apply solvent,
        Glue-Model Cement  8                      and blot (or, for wax, place paper towels or bag over wax, iron with warm (not hot)
        Glue- White        2
        Gravy              4 or P2                iron to absorb).
        Hair Spray         1 or P              7.   Cool water, blot, Ammonia, blot, Detergent, blot, Ammonia, blot, water, blot.
        Hand Lotion        1 or P
        Ice Cream          4                   8.   Polish remover (not oily), blot and repeat.
        Ink (Ballpoint)    1 or P              DETERGENT SOLUTION
        Ink (Marking Pen)  1
        Ketchup            2                   Mix a quality carpet/upholstery shampoo or soap flakes dissolved at the rate of two
        Lipstick           1
        Oil (Cooking)      1 or P              tablespoons per gallon of lukewarm water. Do not use dish washing soap.
        Oil (Furniture)    1 or P              SOLVENT
        Mascara            1
        Mayonnaise         2                   Any consumer brand of dry cleaning solvent.
        Milk               4
        Nail Polish        8
        Paint (Latex)      5
        Paint (Oil Based)  1 or P
        Rust               P
        Shoe Polish (Liquid)  1 or P
        Shoe Polish (Paste)  1
        Soft Drinks        4 or P
        Sugary Sweets      4
        Tar                1
        Tea                3 or P
        Urine              4 or P
        Water Colors       5
        Wax candle         6
        Wine               4 or P

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